Pictures from our regattas and events are posted, and can be viewed and downloaded at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pittsfordcrew/albums
If you take any photos of Pittsford Crew events, please contact our registrar at registrar@pittsfordcrew.org.
NOTE: If a spectator or rower finds a photo of themselves that they do not want made public for any reason, please send a request to registrar@pittsfordcrew.org to remove it from the Flickr website. Include the image name/file number in your e-mail request.
Social Media: Pittsford Crew runs Facebook and Instagram social media pages. We may post pictures and news about our club and athletes on these pages. No names will be used unless authorized by the families.
- To mark a photo as a "favorite" or leave a comment on a photo, a [free] Flickr account is required.